Message from the Chairman
On the hard economy situations in the world, the Japanese companies also have been on the same situations as yours. As a cooperative which consists of 3000 companies in Japan, we have challenged to the global stage and provide more valuable services for our member companies. Let us help you and we look forward to having business Corporation with you.
We look forward to your contact.
Ryuji Yamamoto (Mr.)
Activities on overseas department
As the cooperative members has been increasing the business needs for overseas, we has supported for their business according to their needs for several years. The dawn of the global age gave us more opportunities for the business with overseas partners. You don’t hesitate to contact us and can use more than 3,000 companies’ network in Japan. Likewise, we will ask you to cooperation and to support in your country.
Let us introduce the following our business activities
and help to you.
・Imports’ development according to your offers or our
members’ requests.
・Exports’ development according to your offers or our
members’ requests.
・To provide any business supports.
Thank you for your attention.
>>cooperative Kigyo Jyouho Center structure
>>Corporate Profile